Release note 9.8

Enhanced Order in store funnel

Order In Store funnel has been adapted to clarify the selection of the delivery method. The selection is now done entirely on the right side of the page and the proposed delivery methods are now split in 3 sections: Home delivery, Pick-up locations, Click&Collect.

Delivery Promise in Order In Store

Delivery Promise is now available in the Order In Store. Vendors can now notify customers about the delivery dates and selected carrier for all the delivery methods, when accessing a product page or before validating the basket.

Delivery Promise insight:
know when action is key!

For some time, we have been working to draw insights from the Delivery Promise to drive action and achieve delivery goals. All of this can now be accomplished by leveraging the Delivery Promise milestones, which indicate the deadline for each step of the process that leads to the estimated delivery date. This information is available for each item being processed, making it possible to communicate to all parties when actions need to be taken to ensure delivery is not jeopardized.

The store associates see the dates and times that are relevant for them, like the latest shipping date, to be able to deliver the order on time.

The Delivery Promise is driving the process and everything is in place to make you deliver on time!

Delivery Promise alerts

OneStock now tracks and monitors each step of the process to deliver the orders on time. Whenever an order, or part of an order, is getting late, OneStock will estimate a new delivery date and time.

OneStock will be able to send a notification, that may be used to inform the customer service, or the consumer about the delay and the new delivery date.

Declaration of unavailable items made easy

When processing an order, the store user can mark an item as unavailable and declare the reasons of unavailability.

The interactions have been slightly changed to make it clearer and easier for the user.


New 🎉

Check phone number format on Reserve & Collect funnel

On the default Reserve&Collect funnel, OneStock now proposes a list of phone number indicators by country. Then, it verifies that the format of the phone number is valid for the selected country.

The configuration can be changed to restrict this list of countries and define a default country. Please get in touch with OneStock if you want to do so.

Backoffice: Filter on Home delivery orders

On the order list page, on the backoffice, the filter on order type has been slightly changed to replace "Ship from store" orders by "Home delivery" orders.

It now displays only the home delivery orders, excluding the Click & Collect orders, even when they have been shipped from another store.

Customer data saved during
Order In Store process

Because customers may add items to their basket at last minute, Order In Store has been improved to allow building basket in multiple times.

You can fill in customer information, then continue searching for items. When you come back on the customer selection page, the customer information is saved.

EAN search in catalog

Items can now be search in catalog based on their EAN. If you type a valid EAN, you will be redirected directly to the product page.

And you can still scan the barcode to be directed to the product page.

Restrict access to orders on the vendor interface

It is now possible to change the configuration of the vendor interface to restrict access to specific orders. It is possible to let the users retrieve only orders that have been processed by their stores, or orders from a specific sales channel.

New carrier integrations

Our carrier pool keeps on growing. We are now also integrated with BRT Bartolini

Delivery Promise: Easy zone management

Geographical zones used to configure the delivery promises can now be composed of zones. You can now easily manage your group of zones by re-using your pre-defined unitary zones.

And much more…

  • New widgets on vendor interface to monitor returns

  • Stock exports: when an item is flagged as unsellable, a stock of 0 unit can be exported in the next stock export

  • Improvement of Reserve & Collect funnel: specific customer information can be sent in the reservation order created

  • Possibility to scan the EPC (Electronic Product Code - a unique product code assigned to a specific piece) on the receiving page for Click&Collect orders

  • Carriers: integration with DPD Ireland — Correos Express can now be used to shipments in Portugal

  • Delivery Promise: limit the number of shipments authorized

  • New options to build more advanced return workflows

  • Minor bug fixes